Ciao ragazzi!
E' arrivato anche per me il momento di partire per le vacanze:domani parto per Formentera!!!
Per questo motivo ho deciso di aggiungere una nuova icona(che si trova in alto a sinistra) con il mio profilo di instagram @beainfashion (dove potete seguirmi se vi va).
Con le mie foto cercherò di portarvi con me sull'isola e di condividere con voi un pò della mia vacanza. :)
Buona estate a tutti
a presto, baci Bea
Hello guys!
It's came time for me to leave for the holidays: tomorrow i leave for Formentera!!!
For this reason, i decided to add a new icon(located in the upper left) with my instagram @beainfashion profile (where you can follow me if you like).
For this reason, i decided to add a new icon(located in the upper left) with my instagram @beainfashion profile (where you can follow me if you like).
With mi pics i'll try to take you with me on the island and share with you a bit of my holiday. :)
Happy summr to all
see you soon, xoxo Bea
3 commenti:
Ohhhh I wish I was there, looks so peaceful.
Beautiful outfit, perfect in every way! You look absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you that follow my blog!!!
I'm following you right now on Google Friend Connect №70 & Bloglovin №14!!!
Enjoy your holiday! You have a great blog! x
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